The "Average" Cancer Patient Does Not Exist
Welcome to the Patients Section of this website. This section is dedicated to cancer patients and others interested in obtaining the maximum benefit from available cancer treatments.
Cancer is not a one-size-fits-all illness. Each patient is unique. That is why a cancer drug that helps one patient often fails to benefit a different patient - even though both patients have the same type of cancer.
Testing Your Own Living Cancer Cells to Pinpoint the Best Drugs for You
Thousands of interrelated biological processes within the cancer cell affect the way each patient responds to treatment. The Weisenthal Cancer Group uses an approach called Precision Functional Cancer Profiling to assess the net effect of the widest range of cellular processes as they occur in real time. In the laboratory, your own living cancer cells are exposed to a broad range of potentially beneficial anti-cancer agents. These include new, genetic and molecularly-targeted chemotherapy drugs, immunologic therapies, and anti-angiogenesis agents.
Potentially Harmful Drugs Should Be Tested in the Laboratory - Not in Your Body
For virtually all cancer types, dozens of different chemotherapy drugs and drug combinations are approved by the FDA. However, for the most part, these are administered blindly. They are prescribed because they worked for some "acceptable" percentage of patients in a past clinical trial. Without testing each patient's cancer cells in advance for susceptibility to each drug, most cancer patients today receive one chemotherapy regimen after another. Often, these are partially or completely ineffective. As the doctors work their way through a long list of available possibilities, exposure to these drugs can induce tumor cell resistance to all forms of chemotherapy (this is called clinically-acquired multi-drug resistance). At the same time the patient becomes weaker and weaker from harmful drug side effects. Meanwhile, valuable treatment time is wasted, potentially allowing for tumor growth and metastasis.
Dr. Weisenthal is an Innovator and Respected Expert Worldwide
Dr. Weisenthal was a pioneer in recognizing the danger of treating patients on the basis of trial and error. For many years he has been a strong voice in urging abandonment of the fatally-flawed "one-size-fits-all" system. Predictably, his progressive views and outspoken manner have not made him a favorite among pharmaceutical companies, which benefit from unfettered use of their products. Nor is Dr. Weisenthal loved by certain physicians - those whose careers revolve around entering patients onto paid clinical trials. The purpose of these trials is to identify “one-size-fits-all” cancer therapies for the non-existent "average cancer patient." However, Dr. Weisenthal’s persistence has paid off. Today, more and more thoughtful physicians are coming to understand that candidate drug regimens must be tested for potential effectiveness FOR EACH PATIENT in the laboratory rather than simply picking drugs blindly from an “approved” list and hoping for the best.
Working Diligently for You
As the number of available treatments increases so does the need to determine which treatment offers you - as an individual - the best possible chance for benefit. In this, quest Dr. Weisenthal is your most committed advocate and strongest ally.